Samburu/Baringo/ 106.5FM | Laikipia 106:5FM | Elgeyo Marakwet/West pokot 106:5FM | Nakuru 106:5FM | Isiolo / Samburu East/ Meru 93:7FM | Marsabit 95:3FM | Loiyangalani 95:3 | Illeret 95:3FM | Moyale 95:3FM | Turkana East : 95:3FM | Turkana central: 95:3FM | Lokitaung 95:3 | Todonyang 95:3 FM
Baraka Express

106.5 FM

Baraka Express

Mtoto Wa Ashe

Mtoto Wa Ashe

“Let the little Children come to me “- it’s a command that Jesus gave, A show that instils Godly values to
young children through music, bible stories, memory verses and plays.